Average values ​​of selected water quality indicators

quality rate
Unit Water Treatment Plant
MAC (NDS) according
to norms
Raba Rudawa Dłubnia Bielany Polish(1) EU(2) WHO (3)
Chart explanation (A) The examinations marked with A are accredited by the Polish Accreditation Center (the scope of accreditation PCA no. AB 776)

1) MAC (NDS) Maximum Acceptable Concentration according to Health Minister Regulation of December 7, 2017 (Dz. U. 2017, poz.2294).

2) MAC EU (NDS UE) Maximum Acceptable Concentration according to European Union Directive 98/83/EEC November 3rd 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption.

3) MAC WHO (NDS WHO) Maximum Acceptable Concentration according to World Health Organization (WHO) on the quality of water intended for consumption ( Guidelines for drinking water quality. Vol 1. Recommendations-3rd ed. 2008 r.)

4) jtk- colony forming units (jtk-jednostki tworzące kolonie)

5) SUM 4 THM - the concentration sum of  4 trihalomethane: chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane and chlorodibromomethane, SUM PAH- the concentration sum of 4 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: benzo(b)fluoranthene , bezno(k)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and Indeno(1,2,3-c.d) pyrene.

6) SUM 4 PAH – the concentration sum of 4 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon: benzo(b) fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene

7) BNZ- without abnormal changes (in brackets are values 
Color (A) mg/dm3 1 4  3  4  BNZ(7) (15) BNZ(7) 15
Cloudiness (A) NTU  <0,1  <0,1  <0,1  <0,1  1  akcept.   5
Reaction (pH) (A) - 7,8  7,6   7,8  7,5  6,5 - 9,5  6,5 - 9,5  -
Electric conductance in 25oC (A) μS/cm 325 599 614 658 2500 2500 -
Permanganate value with KMnO4 (A)  mg/dm3  <0,7   <0,7   <0,7   1,0   5   5  -
Fluoride (A)   mg/dm3  0,08  0,10  0,12  0,17  1,5  1,5  1,5
Chloride (A)  mg/dm3  17,4  31,7 26,0 39,9  250  250  250
Amonium ion (A)  mg/dm3   0,017  0,018  0,024  0,016  0,5  0,5   1,5
Nitrite (A)  mg/dm3  <0,01   <0,01  <0,01  <0,01  0,5  0,5   3
Nitrate (A)  mg/dm3  4  14,3  17,7   11,2  50  50  50
Sulfates (A)   mg/dm3 19 46  29 76  250  250  250
General hardness (A)  mg/dm3  133  275  299  291  60 - 500  -  -
Calcium (A)  mg/dm3  38  87  99 95  -   -   -
Magnesium  mg/dm3  6,4  10,4  9,6  9,6  125  -  -
General iron (A)  mg/dm3  <0,025  <0,025  <0,025  <0,025  0,2  0,2   0,3
Manganese (A)  mg/dm3  <0,002   <0,002   <0,002  <0,003  0,05   0,05  0,5
Copper (A)  mg/dm3  <0,003  <0,003  <0,003  0,009  2  2  2
Chromium (A)  mg/dm3  <0,002  <0,002  <0,002  <0,002  0,05  0,05  0,05
Nickel (A)  mg/dm3  <0,0025  <0,0025  <0,0025  <0,0025  0,02  0,02  0,02
Cadmium (A)  mg/dm3  <0,00045  <0,00045  <0,00045  <0,00045  0,005  0,005  0,005
SUM 4 THM1 (A)  μg/dm3  4,6  <0,3  0,4  8,4  100  100  -
Chloroform (A) μg/dm3 4,9  <0,3  0,4 6,5  30  -  200
SUM 4 PAH6 (A) (WWA6) μg/dm3  <0,003  <0,003  <0,003  <0,003  0,1  0,1  -
Benzo(a)pyrene (A) μg/dm3  <0,003   <0,003  <0,003  <0,003  0,01  0,01  -
Escherichia coli (A)  jtk(4)/100ml 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coli group bacterias (A)   jtk(4)/100ml 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Streptococcus faecalis (A)  jtk(4)/100ml 0 0 0 0 0 0  -
Clostridium perfringens (A)  jtk(4)/100ml 0 0 0 0 0 0  -
General microorganism numer in 22oC (A)  jtk(4)/ml  2  1  1  1  BNZ(7)
Free chlorine in the water sytem mg/dm3 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 0,3 - -